Valentine�s day Flowers and Gifts to Philippines |
1 dozen red roses in a bouquet |
The perfect way to brighten their day |
10pcs Sunflower in a Vase |
One dozen red n white mix roses in a bouquet. |
1 dozen pink roses in bouquet |
1 Dozen Roses in a Glass Vase w/ greens and filler |
1 dozen pink roses in a vase |
1 dozen yellow roses in a box |
1dozen red roses w/babys breath in a glass vase |
18 Roses artfully arranged in a glass vase with greens |
They will be charmed by this gift of a dozen roses |
Beautiful miniature roses are presented in a basket |
Bear w/ 1 dozen rose and chocolate |
3 pcs pink roses with star gazer and daisy |
Two Dozen White Orchids in a Vase |
Any part in The Philippines |